Our Story

The Quipu Group came out of the shared belief that libraries are fundamental to our democracy.

Having designed products and services for many years, together and individually, the “group” – Melissa, Robert and Scott – realized that by using our interpersonal and professional skills and experiences, we could support the mission of libraries by creating products to solve problems that library staff and library users face every day.

After developing GoldRush, an early Electronic Resource Management system for the Colorado Alliance of Research Library members, we recognized the need for a good company that could develop high-quality, high-value custom library software and build strong partnerships with libraries. Robert, Quipu’s own “captain of industry,” brought the idea of forming a partnership to Melissa and Scott, his friends and colleagues, and together we created the Quipu Group, LLC.

Why did we name our company Quipu®? Our collective foundation in software development for libraries was databases. A quipu (pronounced kee·poo) is the earliest form of a database: a system of cords and knots attached to a main cord, created by the early Inca people to gather, track and share numeric and social information.

Since 2005, we have created custom products for libraries that focus on staff empowerment through data collection, organization and communication that supports and promotes users’ access to library services. Quipu project successes have led to word-of-mouth growth and positive references for our company, helping us build a client list that includes consortia and public libraries of all sizes – clients that are innovative and customer-centered in their services. The strong relationships and trust that we have built with our library customers have also led to the development of our four products: eCARD, ePASS, eRENEW, and PITS®.

Quipu is at the core of everything we help libraries to achieve. From collecting user data to storing and sharing information about museums and attractions, our searchable and secure databases ensure that libraries have confidence in our products and are able to connect with the information that is needed for each interaction.

We are proud to bring to the market product solutions for managing library access and attracting and engaging new library users. We love receiving customer success stories from our libraries and sharing the happiness, satisfaction, and delight that our products enable. Our libraries share their appreciation for “products that work” and the expert and responsive interactions they receive from the Quipu staff. These stories confirm that we are making a difference and this makes our lives joyful. Our customers’ success invigorates our dedication to providing exceptional service to our library partner

Meet our team.

Robert Anderson

Robert Anderson, directs the business development and finances for The Quipu Group, LLC and also completes product development and design for eCARD, eRENEW and ePASS. Since childhood, Robert always knew he would own his own business. He loved the idea of providing leadership and creativity to a company that could impact the world in a positive way. In 1995, he began developing software for Concord/EFS, a merchant bank credit and debit card processor. After a short while in banking, Robert joined The UnCover Company, where he initially focused on enhancing and streamlining their existing article delivery system software and moved on to redevelop this software for Y2K compatibility. The experience of supporting libraries through developing great software proved to be challenging and fulfilling, and aligned with Robert’s lifelong interest of making a difference through his professional contributions. Robert went on to work with LBT Technical Services and the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, implementing Prospector Resource Sharing technologies for the State of Colorado and developing a custom Prospector INN-Reach Connector that allowed more libraries to participate. He also developed the GoldRush ERM system, alongside his friends and colleagues, Melissa and Scott Stockton.

Melissa Stockton

Melissa Stockton acts as the chief librarian for The Quipu Group and also directs sales, marketing and support operations for the company. Melissa’s lifelong passion has been to understand and help others, providing assistance and solutions that improve their personal challenges and endeavors. It was this interest that led Melissa to pursue an undergraduate degree in psychology at Oregon State University. After working in insurance and fast food for a few years, Melissa ended up at Texas Woman’s University where she developed a strong belief in the power of libraries, and the necessity of providing unfettered access to information in order to support critical thinking, create discourse and build knowledge within our  communities. With this new purpose, after completing her MLIS work she began her library career working with library technologies and in consortia – first at the Association of Higher Education of North Texas, then at AMIGOS Library Services. Melissa then moved to Colorado to work with The CARL Corporation and later The UnCover Company. While there she held several roles, finishing her time with this company as the Manager of Technical Operations. It was at UnCover that Melissa hired and met her future business partner, Robert Anderson. In 1997, Melissa began working with the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, completing project management, managing support and coordinating technology implementations for Alliance member libraries across the States of Colorado and Wyoming. Melissa was key in guiding the design and development of GoldRush, the Electronic Resource Management (ERM) system developed and sold by the Alliance. Melissa began working at Regis University, in Colorado in 2003 before leaving to start The Quipu Group, LLC.

Scott Stockton

Scott Stockton acts as The Quipu Group’s system administrator, completing hardware and software upgrades and managing Quipu products and services databases. Since his early childhood, Scott has explored, observed and imitated objects in his environment, with a desire to understand how things work and how to improve them. Scott credits his grandfather with giving him the freedom to experiment and create and for instilling in him a deep appreciation for art. Because of his grandfather’s influence and mentorship, Scott’s accomplishments reflect a broad group of interests, both academically and artistically. While pursuing his undergraduate degrees in philosophy and English, Scott’s advisor and mentor recognized his unique combination of skills and interests and urged him to pursue librarianship as a career. He went on to earn his MLIS from the Texas Woman’s University in 1989, while also working in the University’s IT division. Scott built his library and technology expertise through his work in many libraries, with library vendors, at library consortia, and in museums. These experiences allowed him to manage and complete many enterprise-level library IT projects, including telecommunications migrations, migrations from line-mode terminals to desktop computers, creating digital archives for library special collections, and designing and creating software systems to aid in disaster recovery. The project Scott is most proud of from his work prior to starting The Quipu Group, LLC., is completing software development to support the Denver Public Library’s collection of digitized photographs,  the Photoswest project.

Pat Crawford

Pat Crawford

Product Analyst Librarian

Dodie Ownes

Dodie Ownes

Copy Writer